To get in the High Holiday mood, we asked you–our readers–to send in your Rosh Hashanah resolutions. From small resolutions (like trying to read more) to profound resolutions (such as being more present in your relationships), we’re so grateful you shared these with us. No resolution is too small or too big—personally, we believe in baby steps—a little bit of effort each day can go a long way.
Here’s what our readers said. And if you didn’t get a chance before, it’s not too late to make your own resolution–jus
“I’m resolving to use less profanity. It’s gotten a little out of hand.”
“I’m resolving to take a walk along the waterfront near my apartment once a week.”
“I’m resolving (yet again this year) to let go of the stuff that doesn’t matter, while looking for the silver lining each day. Wish me luck.”
“I’m resolving to divert my angst outwards towards doing good things instead of inwards towards more angst…And less phone time.”
“Compassion for myself.”
“I’m resolving to process anger and frustration better. To take responsibility for my parts of the communication break downs, think of the bigger picture of what’s bothering me and approach it in a way that leads to positive dialogue. I have been working on it this month with my husband and with my kids and it’s amazing what giving tense situations a little space can do.”
“I am always looking to find more patience–certainly with my children, my husband, but also myself. I want to give myself the time and space to embrace where I am–right now, rather than always looking ahead.”
“To dedicate more time to studying for my conversion.”
“Read more books and letting go.”
“Finally talk to the rabbi about converting without letting my anxiety turn me into a sobbing mess. It’s just an email!”
“To be more present, to find more patience, to listen more attentively.”
“To create a butterfly garden using at least seven species of plants.”
“Increased patience with myself and others.”
“Take better care of myself and even put myself first sometimes.”
“More books, less internet.”
“Patience and to stop cussing so much!”
“To be tougher.”
“Be less hard on myself.”
“Find a spiritual home.”
“Meet the love of my life.”
Read More:
My Daughter Made Me Cry and I’m So Grateful
My Kids Are Growing Up, And This Is Why I’m Pretty Happy About It
10 Reasons Why I Miss the Toddler Years (I’m Serious)