Your Rosh Hashanah Resolutions for 5776 – Kveller
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Your Rosh Hashanah Resolutions for 5776

To get in the High Holiday groove, we asked you–our readers–to send in your Rosh Hashanah resolutions. From small resolutions (like trying to cook more) to profound resolutions (such as being more present in your relationships), we’re incredibly grateful you shared these with us. No resolution is too small or too big—personally, we believe in baby steps—a little bit of effort each day can truly be life-changing.

Here’s what our readers said. And if you didn’t get a chance before, it’s not too late to make your own resolution–just tell us in the comments below!

Kristi R:
“Organization and increasing my cardio fitness.”

Julie L:
“I want to remember to breath and be kinder to myself.”

Jill M:
“Be my own best friend, be self forgiving, and continue to realize all the good in my life despite the setbacks and problems I’m facing at this stage of my life.”

Melissa A:
“Spend more time playing with my kids and doing things they enjoy. I’m not really good at staying in the moment with them and need to focus more on playing board games, doing art projects, exploring their imagination.”

Luizet R:
“I have quite a few–top of the list is to do “less talking more listening,” followed by “no lashon hara.” And stop with chocolate and sweet intake after the Yom Tovim.”

Karen H:
“What’s so good about being the spouse and 24/7 caregiver of someone with Alzheimer’s? On the surface…not much…my resolve is to find something good…will it happen everyday? Maybe not…but just maybe if I look…I’ll find it…”

Allen F:
“Since this is going to be my first Rosh Hashanah and High Holy Days since my conversion, my New Years resolution is to become more observant. Like keeping kosher and being shomer Shabbos and going to shul every day. Going through my conversion, I was very conscious about being home and observing Shabbat every week; the summer was hectic and I had to work on weekends, and I didn’t like it one bit.”

Jamie D:
“For some reason, when I stub my toe or something surprisingly painful (or concerning) happens, I yell, “Jesus Christ!” It does not happen often, but when it does, I don’t like it. It bothers me that this is my “go-to” swear word, especially as an observant Jewish woman. I should not take any G0d’s name in vain–especially someone else’s G0d. Awful. So, I am going to work on saying nothing or something else (like cheese and crackers or cherry pits…).”

Stephanie L:
“I want to work on truly letting go of my anger.”

Michelle F:
“Work on balancing time…between work/career/relationships…and still maintain my connections with others.”

Adrienne M:
“Give more, be a better person, and support Israel.”

Dayle S:
“I can easily zone out and not pay attention to my family, so I want to be more mindful of and attentive to the people in my life.”

Katherine K:
“Taking time to breath and smile more.”

Caroy V:
“Reconnect with my daughter’s soul, teach them properly, and I would love to finally move to Israel.”

Anna I:
“My resolution is to paint a new portrait of someone I admire every month.”

Ruth C:
“I am working on being healthy with my family. Making positive changes!”

Jennifer S:
“I am going to yell less. I am going to say ‘yes’ more. Love me more.”

Oshra S:
“This year is all about taking care of the body and mind–to me that means not letting things get to me, stand up for my beliefs, and as for the body part; for the first time in my life I have joined a gym! And I actually plan to go there! And exercise!”

Michele L:
“I’m starting a new chapter in my life, so my Rosh Hashanah resolution is to be fully engaged and committed to the exciting changes in store. May you all be inscribed in the book of life and blessings!”

Cyndi R:
“My New Year’s Resolution is “getting to bed earlier.” It took a while for me to realize that to be at your most productive, congruent, empathetic and dynamic self, you must re-charge and get some sleep at a reasonable hour. 5776 will be all about rest and renewal. Shana tovah u’metukah!”

Suzanne L:
“My New Years resolution is to try to lose weight in time for my daughter’s bat mitzvah next year. I also want to be a better person person in how I relate to others.”

Stephanie K:
“I want to stop obsessing over whether I am enjoying things enough so that I can actually enjoy them.”

Eugenia S:
“Learn to grieve and accept.”


Sonja W:
“To stop yelling so much at my family. To take it easier on people and let go of anger issues. Tikkun Olum.”

Rivki S:
“Working on saying “gam zu l’tovah” whenever I experience a minor annoyance or serious inconvenience.”

Tamar F:
Give tzedakah with kids every week. I’m embarrassed we don’t do this already. Jesse Bacon and I give a lot of money to tzedakah, but we tend to do it online or via checks, which isn’t apparent to the kiddos, and isn’t something they can easily take part in. Putting money in a tzedakah box every week is something we can and should do. This year, I resolve, we will start doing it!”

Glenda W:
“Hoping the boys at my daughters’ Jewish day school repent for their sins.”

Tanya B:
“Beginning conversion. Terrified and so happy.”

Sloane B:
“To be a kinder person and a better (more learned) Jew. Oh, and to visit Israel.”

Paola O:

Jessica C:
“Letting go. Of the past. Of fears. Of things I don’t need anymore. Last year was the year of less, taking it one step further.”

Rachel S:
“Being a better version of myself.”

Louis K:
“The same as I do every year. To defend and protect the State of Israel where and whenever I can. So my real wish is to have a long life.”

Mayim B: (Yes, that Mayim)
“This year I would like to escape from the clutches of my perception that everything is urgent simply because it’s on my Droid. My cell phone has me convinced I need to read every text and email the second it comes in. That’s just plain wrong. Almost nothing is truly urgent. This year, I want to reclaim quiet time by leaving my phone behind when I’m out with my kids. Or shutting it off altogether for when we are together. My poor children…If I don’t want them constantly on their phones that they theoretically will have one day, it has to start with me giving them more positive messages about cellular convenience.”

When is Rosh Hashanah 2015? Click here to find out

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