We can’t have any nice things.
On a day which feels particularly cruel, news-wise, our new administration has taken aim at the former first lady’s signature pro-children programs, “Let Girls Learn” and her healthy lunch standards for American schools.
CNN reports on the new administration’s end to the “Let Girls Learn” program, which was aimed at teen girls in other countries where education isn’t necessarily valued as much for women. Based on the details, it seems to be a move that’s less substantive and more of an “eff you” to former FLOTUS’s legacy.
“The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.
“Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue took steps Monday to roll back healthy school lunch standards promoted by former first lady Michelle Obama in one of his first regulatory acts.
In an interim final rule, aimed at giving schools more flexibility, Perdue and his department are postponing further sodium reductions for at least three years and allowing schools to serve non-whole grain rich products occasionally as well as 1 percent flavored milk.”
None of this is as bad as say, trying to eliminate mandatory coverage of maternal health care or going to the brink of war with North Korea, but the optics of it—screwing over kids just to make a point—are rough, and sad.