This Mom Makes Her Kids Laugh with the Most Impressive Lunchbag Puns – Kveller
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This Mom Makes Her Kids Laugh with the Most Impressive Lunchbag Puns

When I was a kid, I hated bringing my boring old brown paper bag lunch to school. It would always get crushed in my backpack–or sometimes the sandwich juice (gross, right?) would leak and make the bag all soggy. One mom, however, has made the brown paper bag cool.

Jenn Aguilar of Calgary, Canada used to put notes in her sons’ lunches as a way to make them feel special. Not surprisingly, however, they often got lost or the boys just didn’t read them. This is when she started thinking of different ways to make her sons actually read them, telling Buzzfeed: “I wanted to do something for them that was impactful.”

That’s when she came up with the pun lunch bag this past September. Now she draws adorable, pun-filled lunch bag designs for her 14-year-old son Kale and her 12-year-old son Konnor. And they’re brilliantly hilarious. Because her sons love hip-hop, she often uses that as a starting point, explaining:

“The boys realized that hip-hop today isn’t what it was and have reverted to the 90s hip-hop I used to listen to, so it’s our bonding thing.” 

Here are some of my favorites:

#lunchbagadventures #cheezymom

A photo posted by Jenn Aguilar (@lunchbagadventures) on

#lunchbagadventures #cheezymom

A photo posted by Jenn Aguilar (@lunchbagadventures) on

#lunchbagadventures #lunchbag #lunchbox

A photo posted by Jenn Aguilar (@lunchbagadventures) on

#lunchbagadventures #lunchbag #cheezymom

A photo posted by Jenn Aguilar (@lunchbagadventures) on

Each lunch bag takes her about 20 to 25 minutes to do–and she cites her amazing drawing skills as a result of art classes and her time working as a graphic designer. Of course, her sons asked her when she would stop drawing on their lunch bags, to which she told them:

“Not until you graduate from high school.”

She also added that she thinks they “enjoy the bags, even if they don’t want to admit it.”

I’d love if she drew me a lunch bag every day, personally.

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