This Jewish Baseball Hero's Granddaughter Is Funny AF – Kveller
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This Jewish Baseball Hero’s Granddaughter Is Funny AF

Melanie Greenberg has got some yichus. She’s a granddaughter of Hank Greenberg, the first Jewish superstar of Major League Baseball. The Brooklyn-based single Jewish mother of two daughters is also an aspiring YouTuber, and she’s funny as hell. Her shtick: spoofing motivational lifestyle and exercise videos, while interviewing unsuspecting passersby with questions like “Do you think that working too hard can give you a heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack?”

Here is Greenberg, on a recent trip to LA, talking chlorophyll water at a Venice Beach café:

Here she is interviewing “Desitin Don Juan” in Brownstone Brooklyn:

And here she deconstructs Taylor Swift’s recent mega-hit “Look What You Made Me Do” — while exercising in fishnets, because of course.

Greenberg, 39, who works at New York City nonprofit by day, started making parody videos here-and-there a few years back. This past summer, she teamed up with her childhood BFF and fellow funny Jewish mama (and my friend) Lindsay Feldman to churn out weekly videos on Greenberg’s YouTube channel, Kill Switch. So if you’re a connoisseur of zany humor, you’re not going to regret subscribing and binge-watching.

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