This Israeli Couple Behind Yonina's Viral Hit Is Back With a New Video – Kveller
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This Israeli Couple Behind Yonina’s Viral Hit Is Back With a New Video

Everyone loves music. It doesn’t matter who you are or how old you are — it’s something that can bring everyone together. And one of our favorite couples turned band is making music happen.

Yoni & Nina Tokayer are a married couple (they are also parents to an adorable baby) who make up the Israeli band Yonina. In the past, they had a viral hit when they covered Matisyahu’s “One Day.”

Now they’re back with their song, “Battle of the Niggunim.” As they explain in their Facebook post, a “niggun is a form of Jewish song which has no words, which gives it endless meaning, brings us together and uplifts us.” 

What a perfect song for the holiday season. Watch them sing and laugh and be generally adorable together below:

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