These Bubbes Have Waited 96 Years for This – Kveller
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These Bubbes Have Waited 96 Years for This

I officially found the best website of all time today, guys. It’s I Waited 96 Years. Created this month by Sarah Bunin Benor, Roberta Schultz Benor, and Tom Fields-Meyer, the website is dedicated to nonagenarian and centenarian women who were born before the 19th Amendment became ratified in 1920, giving women the right to vote, and are now able to vote for potentially the first woman president of the United States ever.

The website was inspired by 98-year-old Estelle L. Schultz (Roberta’s mother and Sarah’s grandmother). She was recently casting her absentee ballot for Hillary Clinton–as she did so, Roberta took a photo of Estelle and then shared it on Facebook. This inspired the launch of the website, where women like Estelle could share their stories. Estelle explained why this vote is so important to her:

“Recently, I was diagnosed with a serious heart condition and am now in home hospice. I am following this campaign carefully, and I decided that I would like to live long enough to see the election of our first woman president. When I was marking my absentee ballot for Hillary Clinton, it occurred to me that this wish is even more poignant, because I was born in 1918, two years before women achieved the right to vote. To see such an accomplishment in my lifetime is momentous. I encourage all of my fellow nonagenarians to follow me in marking your ballot with a sense of pride in a life long lived and a country making history.”

You can read the other voters’ stories at the website here.

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