These Books (And Ties and Socks) Are the Perfect Jewish Father's Day Gifts – Kveller
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These Books (And Ties and Socks) Are the Perfect Jewish Father’s Day Gifts

Gift sets for all the Jewish dads out there, from the Henry Winkler fishing fanatics to the "Star Trek" clan.


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What do you get a Jewish dad for Father’s Day? It’s always a conundrum. The cheesy answer has always been a tie, but hey, does anyone even wear ties anymore? Is it… socks? I guess you can never have enough socks, but there’s got to be a more original gift. Books? Somehow, books always seem to be the answer for dads, but again, is there something a bit… more exciting?

The answer was always right there in front of us. The best present for your Jewish dad is the perfect pairing of books, socks and ties. Genius, right? Here is a list of such gift packages sure to please a variety of dads:

For the “Star Trek” fan:

“I Am Spock” by Leonard Nimoy and “The Most Human” by Adam Nimoy

Star Trek tie

Spock socks

For the Mel Brooks fan: 

“All About Me” by Mel Brooks

Just a classy dotted tie (Mel Brooks wears a lot of classy ties)

Astronaut socks (Jews! In! Space!)

For the “Police Academy” fan: 

“Time to Thank” by Steve Guttenberg

Police necktie

Donut socks (yes, it’s a cliche, but who doesn’t want donut socks?)

For the “Seinfeld” fan: 

“Is This Anything?” by Jerry Seinfeld

Seinfeld tie

George Costanza socks (these are terrifying and I love them!)

For the Henry Winkler (specifically, in his fishing era) fan:

“I’ve Never Met an Idiot on the River” and “Being Henry” by Henry Winkler

Fishing tie

Fishing socks 

For the “Somebody Feed Phil” fan:

“Somebody Feed Phil the Book” by Phil Rosenthal

Bread tie (it has challah on it)

Bagel socks 

For dad who thinks a lot about what being a “nice Jewish boy” really means:

“A Better Man” by Michael Ian Black

Blue floral tie (it just matches the book and the socks)

Nice Jewish Boy socks

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