These 7 Children's Books Are the Perfect Reads for Purim – Kveller
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These 7 Children’s Books Are the Perfect Reads for Purim

Purim is just around the corner–meaning that it’s time to start talking about what the holiday means with your kid. Yes, it’s a time when they get to dress up in quirky costumes, eat tons of candy (hello lots of bouncy energy!), and help you assemble mishloach manot (Purim gift basket) to give to your friends and family.

But it’s a great time where you get to teach your kids about racism, oppression, and why dictatorships are bad–and the importance of standing up for your beliefs. There is no better time to start this conversation than now (considering our political climate is pretty fraught at the moment).

To give you a little fuel for these holiday conversations, and just for fun too, I rounded up some Purim books for kids. What’s better than some beautiful illustrated books? They don’t give anyone a sugar high, which is a bonus. Check out my picks below:

1. “Talia and the Haman-Tushies” by Lauren Aron Milhander and Inna Chernyak

Who doesn’t love a book about a girl baking hamantaschen with her bubbe?

2. “Not for All the Hamantaschen in Town” by Lauren Aron Milhander and Inna Chernyak

This is a clever interpretation of the story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf, but Purim style!

3. “The Queen Who Saved Her People” by Tilda Balsley and Ilene Richard

This takes the Purim story but infuses humor into it as a way to get kids involved and engaged in Jewish holidays.

4. “The Purim Story” by Sarah Mazor and Marscheila Christyani

The Purim story told through rhymes with a special emphasis on the relationship between Esther and Mordechai. Great for budding poets.

5. “The Purim Superhero” by Elisabeth Kushner and Mike Byrne

This one is super cute and centers around the idea that Nate wants to dress up an alien, but all his friends want to dress up as superheroes for Purim. What will he do?

6. “Sammy Spider’s First Purim” by Sylvia A. Rouss and Katherine Janus Kahn

A very colorful and imaginative take on Purim, it’s about a young spider who wants to join in as Josh and his mother bake hamantaschen and make a costume. Will he be able to?

7. “Find the Hamantaschen” by Rachel Mintz

This is like “Where’s Waldo?” but with hamantaschen. I’m all about it–because what’s not to love about a book that will keep your kid busy for awhile?

Stay tuned for our Purim movie recommendations. Check out our gift recommendations here and our costume picks here.

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