One week from tomorrow, on May 8th, the Kveller Book Club will be chatting about the new novel The Mothers by Jennifer Gilmore right here on the blog. And then we’ll be chatting with Gilmore herself on Twitter (#kvellerlit, people!).
The novel, all about the extremely difficult and emotional process of adopting a child, is an honest and enlightening story based largely off Gilmore’s personal experience with adoption. To learn more about the book, check out Jordana Horn’s take on it here.
Or, if you’d prefer to get your book advice from child stars of the 80s, here’s Molly Ringwald’s review in The New York Times.
We’d love to have as many of you join us in our conversation as possible, so if you haven’t yet, grab a copy today and get reading! It’s available here on Kindle and in hardcover, and we promise it’s a quick and entertaining read.