Susan B. Anthony’s Grave Is Covered in ‘I Voted’ Stickers Because Women – Kveller
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Susan B. Anthony’s Grave Is Covered in ‘I Voted’ Stickers Because Women

144 years ago, on November 8, 1872, Susan B. Anthony was arrested. She made history for illegally casting a ballot in the presidential election. Today, over 100 years later, women are the nation’s most powerful political force–and this election is especially monumental, as it’s the first time a woman is an elected presidential nominee. Hopefully, by the end of the night, we can say we elected the first woman president in the U.S.

Because of Anthony’s fight for women’s right to vote, many women have visited Anthony’s grave in Rochester, New York, as a way to commemorate her efforts, placing their “I Voted” stickers on her headstone. Usually, Mt. Hope Cemetery, where Anthony is buried, closes at 5:30 p.m., but today, it’ll be open until voting ends. Rochester’s mayor explained why:

“Visiting Susan B. Anthony’s gravesite has become an Election Day rite of passage for many citizens. With this year’s historically significant election, it seems right to extend that opportunity until the polls close.”

I’m all about this. What a way to honor a woman who fought for our right to vote.

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