News Roundup: Seth Rogen Fights for Alzheimer's Research on Senate Floor – Kveller
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News Roundup: Seth Rogen Fights for Alzheimer’s Research on Senate Floor

-If there was an Oscar for Nicest Jewish Boy in Hollywood, Seth Rogen would have walked home with it last night. Last week, the funny man petitioned the senate for funding for Alzheimer’s research with a heartwarming testimony about his mother-in-law’s decline due to the illness, but Rogen was disappointed with the apathetic response he got from lawmakers. (CNN)

-A new study reopens debate about whether men have biological clocks. The latest evidence points to higher rates of mental illness among children born of fathers who are older than middle age than those born to younger dads. (New York Times)

-Could that crib-side music player be harming your baby’s eardrums? According to a new study, yes. According to researchers, 14 of the tested sound devices designed to lull infants to sleep had the capability of blasting music as louder than 50 decibels–the highest volume considered safe for infants. (New York Times)

-Last month, PJ Library, a subscription service for Jewish children’s books, was praised for providing the award-winning LGBT-friendly Purim book, “The Purim Superhero,” to subscribers. It received 2,200 requests within the first 36 hours, but some are criticizing the library for making the book only available upon request rather than providing it to all subscribers. (Boston Globe)

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