Weekly Roundup: Divorce Drawings, Twiblings, and the Downside of Crying – Kveller
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Weekly Roundup: Divorce Drawings, Twiblings, and the Downside of Crying

All the Jewish parenting news you probably didn’t have time to read.

– A program called Kids’  Turn encourages children of divorce to express their feelings through art. Though the drawings are definitely too depressing to hang on any refrigerator, it’s actually pretty impressive that the program allows children to deal with their grief in a way that gets out their deeper feelings. (Huffington Post)

– Is it possible for one set of twins to be birthed by two different women? Kind of, according to Melanie Thernstrom. In her New York Times Magazine cover story, Thernstrom writes about the birth of her “twiblings”, who were created using her husband’s sperm and eggs from a single donor. Two embryos were then implanted into two different surrogates on the same day, resulting in genetic siblings who were born 5 days apart. Over at The Sisterhood, Debra Nussbaum Cohen reflects on how much joy can be found amidst all the complication. (NYT)

It’s scientifically official: women’s tears are a turnoff for men. A new study from Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science has found that seeing a woman cry can actually lower a man’s level of testosterone and signal that “now is not the right time” to get it on. What seems highly one-sided is that they are only now starting to test the effect of men’s tears because not enough men responded to their original call for “good criers.” What a bunch of scaredy cats! (WSJ)

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