The most popular posts from Raising Kvell this week.
– The Case of the Missing Bar Mitzvah. Just because your son is turning 13, does that really mean he’s ready to be a bar mitzvah? Or can things go on a different schedule?
– The Jewish Response to Abortion. First, Sarah told us her abortion story, and then we delved deeper into the Jewish perspective on abortion. Does it approve? Under what circumstance?
– Parenting Lessons I’ve Learned From, Uh, Poop. Some things I wished I learned a little earlier in my parenting career, including: get used to poop, little kids come down with the weirdest ailments, and the internet will make you insane.
– I’ve Had My Miracle Baby… Now What? Going through IVF or other infertility treatments can be excruciating, so once I was blessed enough to have a baby, I knew I wanted to others feel blessed, too.