Join Our Jewish TV Club – Kveller
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Join Our Jewish TV Club

Come talk (read: argue) all about Jewish representation on TV with us.

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Do you insist on pointing out every single Jewish actor in the TV show you’re watching? Are you still impossibly obsessed with “Shtisel?” Do you devour shows that shed light on Jewish history like “We Were the Lucky Ones,” “The Club” and “The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem?” Do you swoon every time you see Michael Aloni on your screen? Do you enjoy reading random Jewish trivia about old TV shows? Still quoting lines from “Seinfeld” and “Curb” at opportune and inopportune moments? Comfort re-watching “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” when things get rough?

Do you love Jewish TV?

If you’ve said yes to any of the above questions, we’d like to invite you (yes, you!) to join our club. More specifically, we’d like to invite you to join our brand spanking new Jewish TV Club.

That’s right, Kveller is starting a Jewish TV club over on Substack, where we’ll share extra Jewish TV tidbits that don’t quite make it into articles on the site, outtakes from our interviews with your favorite Jewish TV stars, throwbacks to old TV shows, from the original “The Goldbergs” to “Northern Exposure.” And perhaps most importantly, we’ll provide a space for Kveller readers to connect with us and each other while we geek out about TV together. If the idea of kvelling over, kvetching about and dissecting Jewish representation on TV gets you excited, this is the club for you. Right now all of the content on our Substack is free and waiting for you (yes, you!).

Groucho Marx reportedly once said that he wouldn’t want to be part of any club that would have him as a member. We obviously don’t think you should listen to him about that one (join! our! club!) but we would love to talk to you about how much we love his old TV shows.

Join the Jewish TV Club here!

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