Israel's Biggest TV Stars Share a Video Calling for the Immediate Return of the Hostages – Kveller
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Israel’s Biggest TV Stars Share a Video Calling for the Immediate Return of the Hostages

Stars of shows like "Shtisel," "Beauty Queen of Jerusalem" and "Fauda" wonder how Israelis will be able to look their children in the eye if the hostages do not return.


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Yes Studios, the Israeli production company behind hit shows like “Fauda,” “Shtisel” and “The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem,” just released a video featuring some of the country’s biggest stars calling for the immediate release of the over 100 people still being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza. It’s a call that became especially heartbreaking and even more pressing after the recovery of the bodies of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Ori Danino, Carmel Gat, Almog Sarusi and Eden Yerushalmi (Yerushalmi was a known fan of “Beauty Queen,” and the cast and crew of the show shared their heartbreak over her murder).

In the video, 13 actors, who you can see in some of Yes’ and Israel’s biggest shows and movies, share a collaborative message, sometimes repeating the same words. It includes “Fire Dance” star and Israeli heartthrob Yehuda Levi, “Shtisel” and “Kugel” star Sasson Gabay, the star and creator of “Rehearsals” and beloved “Checkout” actress Noa Koller, “Beauty Queen of Jerusalem” star Yuval Scharf, “Blackspace” star and comedian Guri Alfi, “Berlin Blues” and “The Jews Are Coming” cast-member Shira Naor (who recently starred in this viral heartbreaking sketch about Jewish history), “Beauty Queen of Jerusalem” actress Hila Saada, “False Flag” and “Game of Thrones'” actress Ania Bukstein, “Fauda” and “The Lesson” star Doron Ben-David, “Matchmaking” star Maor Schweitzer, “Fauda” and “Night Therapy” actor Yaakov Zada Daniel, “On the Spectrum” and “Bloody Murray” actress Neomi Levov, iconic Israeli film star Yael Abecassis, comedian Tom Yaar and comedian and actor Yuval Semo (“HaShoter HaTov“).

“When we shoot a show, we know the script, we know what the story is, who is against who and we know how the story will end,” they say in the video, each on the same dark backdrop, looking straight into the camera. “But now, this isn’t a show, these are real people, and their time is running out. This pain is impossible to bear. There’s no air. If they don’t come back, then who are we?” they ask, and Alfi repeats, “Who?”

“What does it say about us?” many of them ask.

“How will we look our children in the eyes?” asks Koller, a mother of two. “Our grandchildren?” Sasson Gabay, a grandfather, wonders too.

“There are people alive there. These are their lives, and our lives — all of our lives. We have to bring all of them home, now, now,” they all demand.

A video starring actors sharing a frank and urgent message doesn’t always go over well — we know these are actors, whose job it is to convince us of their feelings and beliefs. And yet there’s something really heartbreaking about this one, especially from actors who have been marching and vocal activists. Their words feel true and dire.

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