What’s a Twitter party? It’s when the kids go to bed and you get to chat with other parents about ideas for Hanukkah. And win prizes!
We’re going to be hosting our first Twitter party on Monday, December 19th from 9-10 pm (EST).
We’ll talk about our favorite Hanukkah treats and decorations, share our gifting strategies, and discuss how we celebrate with our families. We’ll be giving away four $50 gift cards to Magic Beans to party participants, so be sure to stay for the whole hour.
Party Details
WHAT: Hanukkah Twitter Party! Bring your own latkes.
WHEN: Dec. 19, 9-10 pm ET (8-9 pm CT; 7-8 pm MT; 6-7 pm PT)
WHO: Hosts Sheri Gurock, Magic Beans, @sherigurock; Pam Lewis, @outsidevoice; Holly Rosen Fink, @theculturemom; Devra Renner, @parentopiadevra. Moderated by @Kveller and Ciaran Blumenfeld, @momfluential.
HOW TO JOIN: Follow the hashtag #Kveller or if you’re a Twitter party pro and aren’t scared off by a Tweetgrid, join the party here.
Leave your Twitter handle as a comment below and also Tweet at least once in the party in response to a question. We will @message all winners and they must then follow @Kveller so we can contact you with prize delivery info. Please view our official rules for more details.
If you’d like to invite other parents you think will enjoy our Hanukkah chatter, here are a few links you can tweet out:
I’m going to the #Kveller #Hanukkah Twitter party on 12/19 at 9pm ET. Join me! http://bit.ly/tdnv36
I’m talking latkes and dreidels at the #Kveller Twitter party on 12/19 at 9pm ET. Hope to see you there! http://bit.ly/tdnv36
Share #Hanukkah stories and traditions w/ me and other parents at #Kveller Twitter party on 12/19, 9pm ET. http://bit.ly/tdnv36