Finding a Synagogue is as Hard as Finding a Nanny – Kveller
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Finding a Synagogue is as Hard as Finding a Nanny

Adi is getting older (20 months on July 7th) and she’s developing an attention span and she’s starting to be able to sit through things.

It’s time to find a synagogue.

The only problem is I can’t find one. I know. I must be a lunatic. I live in Manhattan and there’s a a synagogue about every three blocks, right?


But I can’t find one that I like. I’ve been researching on every one. Visiting every website. Reading every review. I figured I’d pick three that I would want to visit and then pick one. I’m searching for a synagogue the same way I’m searching for a nanny.

I haven’t found a nanny, either.

So what’s my problem? Why do none of these synagogues excite me? I don’t know. So I’m turning to my online mishpacha for help.

Do you go to a Conservative, Reform, or unaffiliated but kinda liberal synagogue?

Does it have children’s Shabbat services? And a Hebrew school? And a lot of children who attend?

Does the rabbi speak his mind in sermons (or is he pussy whipped by a ritual committee)?

Is your synagogue active in social justice and
tikkun olam

Are the people friendly and welcoming?

Do they party hard on Purim?

Is it in Manhattan and along either the A train, the 1 train, or has parking?

If you answered all of these questions positively, I want to check out your synagogue. Please leave a comment below.

P.S. if you have a nanny recommendation send those too! I want a Hebrew speaking one.

Rachel’s daughter keeps kosher, but she eats pork. Read about it here.

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