Every Hanukkah Gift Guide Under the Sun – Kveller
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Every Hanukkah Gift Guide Under the Sun

Presents for the whole family.

Well folks, we did it. We looked Hanukkah gift giving straight in the eye and said, “Yes we can!” We’ve now posted Hanukkah Gift Guides for just about everyone on your list, from Bubbe to the childless aunt. (Sorry, childless uncles. You’re screwed!)

So if you still need to do your Hanukkah shopping, here are our best bets:

For Him (Star Wars t-shirts, a “schoodie”, etc.)

For Her (Kindle Fire, anything but a toaster, etc.)

For the Kids (Fisher Price record player, construction worker costume, etc.)

For Bubbe (Herb garden, mixed CD, etc.)

For Zayde (Pickle of the month club, personalized mug, etc.)

For Your Kids’ Childless Aunt (Hot chocolate maker, 5-pound gummy bear, etc.)

Remember, the first night of Hanukkah is Tuesday, December 20th. Happy shopping! Oh, and if you want to know about the, um, other parts of the holiday, read up here. And learn to make latkes! And doughnuts! And play dreidel!

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