via Youtube
And you thought CrossFit for adults looked intense.
The folks at CrossFit have created a new workout program designed specifically for those uncontainable, terrible 2 and 3-year-olds. CrossFit, if you are unfamiliar, is a super-intense exercise program that involves weight lifting, gymnastics, and cardio.
According to an article in The New York Times, the nationwide obesity epidemic is prompting parents to sign up their kids up for exercise classes while they are still in diapers. Currently, there are 700 toddler CrossFit classes across the country.
Here’s a clip of a toddler doing kettle ball swings, though it’s unclear what she’s actually getting out of it:
Since there is little data out there about CrossFit injuries and instructors have a reputation of pushing participants beyond their limits, some critics are questioning the wisdom in such a rigorous work-out program for tots or adults.
Doctor’s warnings or not, it seems CrossFit is here to stay. Here’s a video of a 9-month-pregnant mom still at it:
Would let your toddler take CrossFit classes?
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