Cookbook Contest Winner! – Kveller
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Cookbook Contest Winner!

Shana tova, y’all! A couple of weeks ago, we announced a contest for the new year: give us your best resolution, and we’ll send you a cookbook.

Like so many of our contests, it’s hard to choose just one winner. Because really, a resolution is what’s best for you, and who are we to choose the best? But we’d made a promise, and so we’ve done the hard work and chosen a winner.

Congratulations to Jennifer Steinberg of Wilmington, Delaware! We love her resolution and its honesty–and its unintentional pun:

Jennifer’s resolution: My resolution this year is to have more, *ahem*, intimate time with my husband. With two kids and work and community and synagogue stuff, we just got really busy this year and I think it’s time for us to make a point of reconnecting more frequently.

Jennifer, keep your eyes peeled for a cookbook coming your way!

And even though we couldn’t send you all a cookbook,
Simply Southern With a Dash of Kosher Soul
wanted to share a recipe with you–for their Splendid Apple Pie. It uses a sugar substitute, so if your resolution was to get healthy, this is a great first step. Enjoy!

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