Heidi Shertok
Heidi Shertok is a native Minnesotan, as is evident by both her Midwestern accent and her appreciation of any weather that isn't attached to the word 'negative'. She wrote her first book at the tender age of twelve, and after killing off all the main characters in it, she realized that books with happy endings are infinitely preferable to those that leave you with tear-streaked cheeks and empty tissue boxes. Heidi has three precocious children, and has at times been known to hide under her bed from them - not that she's proud of it. She is the dog owner of a small white dog, named "Whitey"; she's not real proud of that, either. Heidi has one published novel, "And Along Came Layla", as well as blog postings on numerous websites, including "The Good Men Project." You can contact Heidi at darcyisalive@gmail.com.