Gal Gadot Makes Imperfect Hamantaschen Just Like You – Kveller
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Gal Gadot Makes Imperfect Hamantaschen Just Like You


MICHAEL TRAN/AFP via Getty Images

Celebrities! They’re just like us — they have hamantaschen fails, too.

This weekend, Gal Gadot and her two oldest daughters, Alma and Maya, took to the kitchen to make hamantaschen for Purim, which starts on the evening of March 16. Gadot posted a picture of them at work in the Gadot-Varsano residence, sunglasses photoshopped on to hide the little ones’ eyes, but not to hide their adorable grins. You can see Maya rolling the dough with a little plastic yellow rolling pin, Gal lining up a baking tray and Alma working on the other side of the counter.

“Purim is one of my favorites holidays and making Hamantash with my girls is definitely one of my favorite things about it,” the Israeli “Wonder Woman” and “Red Notice” star wrote on social media, adding a little red heart at the end.

I love everything about this picture, from Gadot’s face, smiling and makeup-free and her hair messily pulled back in cooking-with-kids mode, to her counters, which are full of drying bottles for baby Daniella (I spot a Boon bottle drying rack!), bowls and cups. There’s a mug on the countertop, which I’d like to imagine is half-filled with lukewarm coffee, because what parent doesn’t have one of those on their counter at all times.

I also love that the Gadot-Varsano girls are using glasses, not fancy cookie cutters, to shape their hamantaschen and spotting the can of Pellegrino soda that I love to get for a dollar at my local bodega when I’m feeling a little fancy.

But my favorite part is the hamantaschen themselves, which are obviously shaped by kids’ hands, with some overstuffed and others a bit misshapen. Does Gadot know to put them in the freezer so that they will retain their shape? Has she read our best hamantaschen hacks? I don’t know, but since she didn’t post the finished baked result, I’d like to believe that Gal Gadot’s hamantaschen also burst open, just like the rest of ours!

“Can we get a mishloach?” asked the Instagram page of Israeli entertainment magazine Pnai Plus in the comments, using the Hebrew word for both delivery and the shorthand for misloach manot, the customary goodie baskets exchanged on Purim. Honestly, we’d love some, too!

Happy Purim, Gal, Maya and Alma! We hope you have a sababa holiday and please share more of your baking projects with us!


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