What Should You Be Asking Your Kid’s Camp Director This Summer? Join Us to Find Out! – Kveller
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What Should You Be Asking Your Kid’s Camp Director This Summer? Join Us to Find Out!


How is the summer of 2021 different from any other summer? Well, fortunately, it’s not quite as stressful as the summer of 2020, when we were in the heart of the pandemic. But while more and more Americans are getting vaccinated and summer camps are reopening, Covid-19 is still very much a part of our lives.

So what does that mean for those of us sending our kids to camp this summer? How do we make sure they are safe and protected? Against the virus, of course — but also, for those of us entrusting our children to in-person programs for the first time in a while, how do we make sure that they are protected and well-cared for? How do we know that the camp we’ve chosen is the right one for our kids?

At Kveller, we want to help you get all these questions answered! And we also want make sure that you asking summer camps the right questions. And so, we’ve brought back our series of Facebook Live series from last summer, Camp Kveller, for a special 2021-centric Q&A session on Facebook Live.

On Thursday, April 28, Sharon Weiss-Greenberg (whom, as you may recall, has a Ph.D. in camp!) was joined by Jenni Zeftel of the Foundation for Jewish Camp and Rahel Bayar of the Bayar Group on Kveller Facebook to talk camp safety and what questions you aren’t asking your children’s camp director but should be! In a delightful, wide-ranging conversation, our experts also addressed other potential concerns parents may have about summer camp this year.

If you missed it, or would simply like to watch again, you’ll find a recording right here on Kveller’s Facebook page. Check it out!

Header image via vecteedesigns/Pixabay

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