All the Jewish parenting news you probably didn’t have time to read this week.
– It seems like everyone has been debating what it means to “have it all”–but maybe what we should really be asking ourselves if we have enough. Having a severely disabled son taught this writer that it is possible to be content (and even happy) by approaching life with this attitude. (The Atlantic)
– New studies show that toddlers not only understand the nuances between “right” and wrong”–they also know that the rule applies differently to different groups of people. (Daily Mail)
– Why are Americans suddenly so determined to give their children unique names? This list of truly painful names (and the author’s commentary) is too good to miss. Hello, Sketch and Brook’lynn. (Deadspin)
– Sepsis–a serious and often un-diagnosed infection–is a leading cause of death in US hospitals. Why isn’t more being done to prevent people, such as 12-year-old Rory Staunton, from dying of this terrible (and, if properly diagnosed, treatable) infection? (The New York Times)
– A whopping 37% of births in the US today are unplanned–a major increase since the 90s. What is causing this trend, especially among unmarried women? (Slate)