This Dance-Pop Song Will Inspire You to Save Healthcare – Kveller
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This Dance-Pop Song Will Inspire You to Save Healthcare

Robyn’s “Call Your Girlfriend” was the cool kids’ dance-pop anthem of its era, with its catchy chorus, heartfelt delivery, and the star’s crazy dance moves. (I have fond memories of belting it out on a Jewish writing retreat with a bunch of new best friends, as one does).

It even lent a title to a hit feminist podcast.

Now a takeoff, “Call Your Senator,” by Kim Boekbinder, will inspire you to get off your tush and help stop Trumpcare (seriously, call your Senator, before you go back and listen to Robyn’s song 50 times).

If you need less catchy and more horrifying motivation, there’s this new study that suggests three million children would lose health insurance if the repeal goes through. So, yeah. Call your Senator.

“If the Affordable Health Care Act (AHCA) becomes law, the uninsured rate for children would increase by a whopping 50% by 2026 according to a new analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities… Approximately three million more children would lose health insurance by 2026 according to the Center’s estimates.”

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