“The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” the new series from “Gilmore Girls” creator Amy Sherman-Palladino, whose pilot aired on Amazon on March 17th, has just received an amazing go-ahead. The show has just received a two-season order from Amazon, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Palladino, who is the creator of the famed show “Gilmore Girls” focuses on a 1950s New York City housewife named Miriam “Midge” Maisel, who becomes a standup comedian, which is a much-needed perspective on women during that time. While Amazon has received flak for having Palladino have to go through the gauntlet of pilot season (Woody Allen, for instance, did not have to), it’s awesome to see a show focus on women (a very Jewish woman!) during an era where men ruled most professions (even more than they do now).
Can’t wait to see it.