If you’re anything like me, the last few weeks have been pretty difficult to say the least. Taking in the news, I have been frustrated, angry, sad, irate, befuddled, and a host of other emotions. I feel largely helpless, even though I am trying to do small parts: tweeting, making calls to elected officials, sending postcards to elected officials, educating myself as much as I can, speaking up, and using my platforms to hopefully share real truths.
But, at the end of the day, I still feel helpless and sad.
In no way to make light of the serious acts being rectified against Muslims, refugees, and other foreigners who should otherwise be embraced here by the United States, I want to present a few comfort foods to make for your family to enjoy in this difficult time. Or maybe even better, reach out to your neighbor or to a family in your town that wasn’t born in this country, and bring them something delicious.
Most people have so much more in common than we realize, no matter what language we speak or country we hail from: family, love, tradition, food.
Enjoy some of my favorite comfort foods, or share some with your neighbors:
Pumpkin swiss chard mac n cheese