This Is Honestly the Best Hanukkah 'Dreidel' Rendition Ever (And There's Yiddish Rapping!) – Kveller
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This Is Honestly the Best Hanukkah ‘Dreidel’ Rendition Ever (And There’s Yiddish Rapping!)

We’ve all heard the “Dreidel” song before–and we’ve definitely all sung it. Let’s be real, most of the versions you’ve heard are pretty boring. But now there’s a version that you’ll love–and your entire family will too.

Erran Baron Cohen, Sacha Baron Cohen’s older brother, absolutely kills it with his dreidel remix, and like his brother, he takes it to an entirely new level. There’s rapping involved (in Yiddish!), for one. You can’t not love that. While the video was made a few years ago in 2008, it resurfaced recently at the Jewish Standard–and reminds us that this is a true classic.

Besides this, Cohen is an award-winning composer who has received three ASCAP Composer Awards for his scores to “Borat,” “Bruno,” and “The Dictator.”

Listen to “Dreidel” below:

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