This Kid Dressed Up as Donald Trump’s Hair for Halloween – Kveller
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This Kid Dressed Up as Donald Trump’s Hair for Halloween

Halloween was made great again, thanks to this 10-year-old boy from Wichita, Kansas. Gage DeVader decided to dress up as Donald Trump’s hair–with help from his mom, Jessica DeVader, who designed the costume.

Clearly, he was pretty successful–how can you not love the fact that Gage looks like a cross between Cousin It and Trump’s hair? So, how did they do it? The hair was made from a golf umbrella covered with muslin. Fake grass table skirts were glued in sections around the umbrella to get that perfect comb-over. Let’s not forget the hat, though, which really makes the costume–it was constructed from poster board.

Of course, there’s also the orange t-shirt, which Gage’s mom says was chosen on purpose, stating in Buzzfeed:

“Gage’s shirt pays homage to Trump’s orange face!” 

Apparently, going all out for Halloween is something Gage is known for–and something his mom encourages, stating:

“I would say our fun with Halloween began from the start. I just wanted my son to learn to embrace his uniqueness and individuality. Every year we come up with a ridiculous idea and he just goes for it!”

For instance, in a previous year, he dressed up as Jareth from “Labyrinth“:

DeVader / Via BuzzFeed

DeVader / Via BuzzFeed

This is basically impossible not to love.

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