Why is it that pregnant women and moms are often shamed for their bodies? Recently, one photo of a pregnant woman has been going viral–illustrating just how blurry the lines are between shaming women and respecting a woman’s choice to do what she feels comfortable with.
While at a lake, Olympic gold soccer medalist Sydney Leroux posted a photo on her Instagram tubing with her husband. Soon after, not surprisingly, people started criticizing the soccer star’s actions–one even went so far as to say, “You gonna kill that baby.”
Because of this, Leroux took down her shamers by posting another photo on Instagram, reminding her followers that her body is her own, stating:
“MY body is the body that is creating life. MY body is the one that has stretch marks and cellulite and varicose veins and sore hips and back pain that runs down my legs. MY body is the body that is tired and sore and emotional and the happiest it’s ever been.
If I want to jump in a pool, go on a tube and slowly ride around with my husband, dance like an idiot or work out I am absolutely going to.”
The entire debacle, of course, raises a bigger issue than just the internet’s reaction, or even the fact that women are shamed for their bodies. It raises the question: When, and how, are we crossing the line between showing concern for a baby and mom–and when are we simply being too judgmental?
What do you think about where the line should be drawn? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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