Ivanka Trump Just Announced Her New Book About Women And Work – Kveller
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Ivanka Trump Just Announced Her New Book About Women And Work

Ivanka Trump must have her hands full these days. Besides being a Jewish mom of three (she just birth to her third baby this spring), she’s a real estate executive and proprietor of her own fashion line. She’s pretty vocal about being a working mom–and how that means she sometimes have to choose between work and her daughter’s piano practice.

For anyone who’s ever wondered how she “does it all” (see: money, paid help), you’re in luck today, because Ivanka announced yesterday that she’ll be publishing her second book, “Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules for Success.” So, what prompted her to write it? She explained in a video on her site:

“I was really convinced that we needed to change the dialogue around women and work. When I first launched my #WomenWhoWork initiative almost two years ago, I was advised by many of the top creative agencies to lose the word, ‘work.’

One after another, they suggested that the idea of ‘women and work’ wasn’t aspirational and wouldn’t resonate with a millennial audience. I disagreed. If you ask me, there’s nothing more incredible than a woman who’s in charge of her own destiny—and working daily to make her dreams a reality.”

The book is apparently 256 pages of “highly tactical, solution-oriented content” for a new generation of women who are interested in “working smarter, not harder; integrating our personal passions and priorities with our professional goals in order to architect lives we love.”

Um, OK. While the sentiment sounds nice, we’re pretty sure all women (and people in general) tend to feel that way about that whole work/life balance thing. I’m hoping she isn’t looking up to her father for advice on women.

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