Amy Schumer to Bachelor Host: 'There Is Nothing Wrong with Complicated Women' – Kveller
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Amy Schumer to Bachelor Host: ‘There Is Nothing Wrong with Complicated Women’

Amy Schumer had some strong words for Chris Harrison of “The Bachelor” after watching his conversation with former contestant Jubilee during this season’s “Women Tell All.” The Jewish comedian went to Twitter to air her strong (and totally true) opinions.

So, what did he say that got under Schumer’s skin? He referred to Jubilee as “complicated” during their conversation over her time on Ben Higgins’ season. Jubilee felt otherwise, however, when she explaining how past (note: her entire family died) wasn’t an obstacle:

“Ben was everything that I thought he was. You know, he didn’t see me and my complicated past as a huge obstacle.”

Harrison responded by saying:

“I know you can’t control how complicated you are…You might be complicated, and I know you stir the pot sometimes, but I hope you realize you’re a pretty special woman, and I really appreciate you coming here and opening up the way you did.”

Naturally, Schumer was a bit outraged, considering all people (not just women) are complicated–and a tragedy happening in someone’s life doesn’t make them unlovable. We all have issues, weaknesses, and traumas that we struggle with everyday. And rightly so, Schumer wanted to express this:

To which Harrison responded:

While Harrison and Schumer seemed to make up virtually via Twitter, it definitely needed to be said. I’m not typically a fan of “call out” culture–mostly because I’m not always sure it actually is effective, since most people just get defensive and embarrassed. Which, you know, kind of defeats the purpose if you want someone to learn. However, in this case, I think a correction was definitely in order. It also just so happens that today is International Women’s Day, and what better way to celebrate than to stand up for your fellow woman?

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