We’re all for media. Multimedia. Social networking of all kinds. I mean honestly, it’s our bread and butter here at Kveller. But even we have our limits.
That is why I find it unbelievable that Rachael Ince, also now known as the “Twitter Mad Mother” sent 104 updates to her Twitter account while giving birth last week.
“I thought it might be a good way to document what happened and how I was feeling during the birth,” she told the Daily Mail.
It’s hard to imagine placing a phone call let alone tweeting during labor. My husband made the mistake of pulling out his iphone–once!– and I almost ripped off his head. (Sorry you never got to use that contraction app, honey!)
Had I tweeted my way through labor and delivery, it might have looked something like this:
9:42 Aweeeeeeeeeeoooooooooooooooooo
9:46: Grroooooowwwwwwwlllllll
9:51: Ooooowwwwwwwwwww. Where’s that friggin doula?
10:00 Take that birthing ball and shove it
10:15 Remind me why I don’t—-eeeeeeeoooooooooo—-want an epidural again?
And for those of you wondering what real birth tweets look like, here are the last three hours before the baby came.
3:19: Oooh this is working. More like every 5 mins now 3:37: Walking up and downstairs sideways. Like a crab. Only now I’ve exhausted myself!!!
3:58: Contractions slowed. Up a little since we came for a sit down and a square of chocolate. Must start walking again.
3:59: Determined to give birth today now so… Back we go. No time for phone charging. (hope it lasts)
4:30: Have asked for my first stage of soon relief – paracetamol. Partly cause I know I won’t get the good stuff until I’ve tried it.
4:40: I’m sure anyone passing my cubicle just then would have thought InceyDad was getting a special treat. So much panting
5:12: Off to get a bath running so tweeting will be in the hands of @Paulieofficial for a while.
6:02: Did NOT like the bath. Contractions in there were awful
6:10: Do not like this. It hurts. And they don’t have gas & air here. Have to be examined and sent to labour ward before I get it
6:28: Up we go to delivery. Emergency. She upset baby by poking him in the bed