Old Navy Boycott – Kveller
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Old Navy Boycott

The mommy blogosphere has its collective bloomers in a bundle over an Old Navy onesie that dares to make light of formula-feeding. The onesie, that seems oddly reminiscent of a sports jersey, features an illustration of a bottle with wings and the words “Formula Powered.”

Let’s just get this out of the way. I know that breast is best.

But c’mon, people. The lactivist community was calling for a boycott of Old Navy. One blogger wrote, “Babies are born to breastfeed. And when this is not possible, they deserve to be provided with human milk from another source.”

Um, really?

I say that  it’s important to remember in all this that empowering mothers means giving them choices. And while breastfeeding is good for baby, so is a happy mama.  For moms who work, not everybody wants to–or can–pump at work. And there are lots of reasons that some women choose formula over breast milk.

And in case you’re interested, Jewish tradition also recognizes that breastfeeding is both a burden and a blessing.

UPDATE: Is it possible that Old Navy was referring to Formula 1 racing?

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