This week’s most popular posts from Raising Kvell, in case you missed them.
– Why I Won’t Let My Kids Do the Laundry. It’s important to Pamela to raise independent kids, but doing the laundry is the one chore she can’t bring herself to give up.
– The Pains of Parenting with Arthritis. E.B.’s arthritis made it extremely painful to hold her newborn baby, but she had limited treatment options since she was committed to breastfeeding.
– When Parenting Starts to Feel Like Junior High. When a mom at toddler music class looked Jordana up and down but didn’t return a friendly hello, Jordana was reminded that sometimes, interacting with other moms is a lot like going back to Junior High.
– Returning to the Mikveh After Giving Birth. Rabbi Elianna Yolkut never had a very spiritual experience attending the mikveh. But after giving birth to twins, she found herself craving that special alone time more than ever.