Watch: Toddlers Arguing Over the Weather is the Most Adorable Thing Ever – Kveller
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Watch: Toddlers Arguing Over the Weather is the Most Adorable Thing Ever

Move over, Apparently Kid.

Three-year-old Ty Willmott, from Sloan, Iowa, won over the internet this week when a friendly preschool tiff over the weather with a pair of twins came to blows. (Happens to the best of us, right?)

In the video, presumably taken by their teacher, the three pint-sized blonds can’t figure out whether it is raining or sprinkling (or, rather, waining or spwinkling?). The boy’s mom told him that it was sprinkling while the twin sisters’ mom had informed them that it was raining.

What Ty does next, after the argument turns physical, will make you laugh and break your heart at the same time. Check it out:

It seems the boy’s heart has since recovered from the incident, because he’s doing media appearances on Jimmy Fallon and the Weather Channel. As is often the case with life’s existential questions, the tots never resolve whether it is, in fact, waining or spwinkling.

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