Watch Rare Footage of Anne Frank Before She Went Into Hiding – Kveller
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Watch Rare Footage of Anne Frank Before She Went Into Hiding


Today, reading “The Diary of Anne Frank” is a rite of passage for every Jewish middle schooler. But once upon a time, Anne was just a normal, carefree girl, on the cusp of adolescence, taking in the world around her.

The day is July 22, 1941; the scene is the Franks’ next door neighbor getting married. As the handome bride and groom exit the home, the camera cuts to an overlooking window where little Anne can be spotted leaning out to catch a glimpse of the festivities.

One year later, on July 16, 1942, the Frank family would received a call-up notice and go into hiding to avoid deportation.

Anne eventually died at Bergen Belsen in 1945, but watching this rare footage of the girl makes her seem that much more alive and relevant.

Check it out:

(Video courtesy of the Anne Frank House.)

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