All the parenting news you probably didn’t have time to read this week
-A couple split up and their separation agreement stipulated that the father would be responsible for arranging their son’s circumcision. When the mom got cold feet, fearing the anesthesia would put her now 3-year-old son in danger, she launched a social media campaign titled “Save My Son from Circumcision,” and a higher court granted her an emergency order to stop the circumcision. (Salon)
-Don’t worry, your child is not a sociopath. Not only is a little fibbing totally normal, but psychologists say it is a sign of healthy development. (Slate)
-The latest–and perhaps saddest ever–“Modern Love” column captures the range of emotions people go through after a divorce, concluding with a timeless and important lesson about relationships and moving on. It’s a must-read for anyone who has been through a difficult breakup. (New York Times)
-Jewish education has taken on a Latin twist in a North Miami Beach Day School, thanks to a large immigration of Jewish immigrants from Venezuela to the Sunshine State. With Spanish immersion classes and an on-site Latin cultural committee, the Latino population at Sinai Academy has swelled to over 50 percent. (JTA)
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