Rosh Hashanah Resolution: Getting to Bed On Time – Kveller
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rosh hashanah resolution

Rosh Hashanah Resolution: Getting to Bed On Time

To gear up for the High Holidays this year, we’re asking our writers and readers for their Rosh Hashanah Resolution. Here’s one from Kveller writer Monica Gebell

My resolution began weeks ago: GO TO BED EARLIER.

I’m staring down the final days of my final (of three) year-long maternity leaves. My body has gotten used to that delicious feeling when the alarm clock goes off… but not for me! And so, here I am writing my #RoshRes at 1:13 a.m. when I really need to get my butt in bed and re-learn how to wake up again at 5:45. A.M.

Just get. In. Bed: with a book, with a kid, even with the stupid iPhone if it means just being under the covers. Curfew. Done. Breathe. Sleep.

Sure I want to be a better person, savor each moment, eat healthier, inspire in my kids and students an insatiable curiosity about everything, finally learn how to braid a seven-strand challah, learn tai chi, master the well-turned paragraph while balancing work and home lives, unpacking a new house, and so on. But I won’t do any of it if I’m kvetching that I can’t keep my eyes open.

So: G’night, Kvellerland!

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