Rosh Hashanah Resolution: The Workaholic Cuts Back – Kveller
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rosh hashanah resolution

Rosh Hashanah Resolution: The Workaholic Cuts Back

To gear up for the High Holidays this year, we’re asking our writers and readers for their Rosh Hashanah Resolution. Here’s one from Kveller writer Matthue Roth.

I need to do less of my own creative work. I am spoiled. My day job is making video games. I get to make up stuff, and tell stories, and doodle and do the kind of things that I got yelled at for doing in class. And I’m a professional writer that gets to write. How cool is that? But I’m also a workaholic, and I have a picture book that just came out, I’m working on a novel in my spare time…and there’s so much stuff to do at work, it’s like a sponge. Any time I can pour into it, it will absorb. So my resolution is to not follow my dreams–or, at least, not follow them quite so hard. I want to blow off my stories and spend some time in real life. With my kids, with my wife, the things that count.

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