To gear up for the High Holidays this year, we’re asking our writers and readers for their Rosh Hashanah Resolution. Here’s one from contributing editor Jordana Horn.
I have so many new years’ resolutions that it is hard to whittle it down to just one. I suppose the main one is to be slower to anger and/or frustration–in the muck and mire of sleep deprivation, pregnancy, and all going well (pu pu pu) newborn motherhood, it’s really easy to lose one’s self and snap. I can’t: there are four other little kids, and a husband, who depend on me keeping it together. I want to be annoyed less and to enjoy more–to savor all that is good about our life, even though there is no doubt that it will be hard, especially at first.
Want to share your Rosh Hashanah Resolution? You can email it to us (details here) or tweet at us using the #RoshRes hashtag.