7 Adorable (& Strange) Jewish Halloween Costumes for Your Entire Family – Kveller
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7 Adorable (& Strange) Jewish Halloween Costumes for Your Entire Family

Halloween is upon us, whether you like it or not. The spooky holiday has long been a controversial day for Jewish parents–do you let your kids partake in the treat-or-treating and ghoulish garb? Or not?

While we would never tell any parent what to do, we couldn’t help but do a little digging on the internet for Jewish Halloween costumes. What we found ranges from adorable to absolutely absurd. We hope these amuse you just as much as they amused us (our favorite is the last one, of course):

1. Bagel & Lox 

Don’t worry, your kid doesn’t have to steal all the fun, because now you and your partner can dress up as our favorite food, smear included.

bagel and lox

And we even found this adorable tutorial on making a bagel costume for your child.

bagel boy

2. Challah Bread

Because who doesn’t want their kids dressed up as a giant challah that really just looks like a turd?

challah bread costume
3. Toddler Rabbi

Come on, what’s there to kvetch about?

4. Jewish Mother Rivkah

For the spookiest day of the year, it’s good to get your biblical groove on.

5. Torah Boy

This kid doesn’t look too happy–he kind of resembles a velvety hot dog instead of a giant life-sized Torah. We have a feeling your child may not appreciate this one.

6. Chasid Child

This looks more like Prince’s love child, honestly. What’s up with the gold coat? Still not as fabulous as Jacob’s coat of many colors.

7. Rabbi Cat Costume

Don’t forget your pet. They can even take part in the fun. Who doesn’t love how pissed off cats look in costumes? There’s even a book for your Jewish cat.

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